Source code for fenicsR13.input

Module for input related Classes.

Contains the Input class.

from functools import reduce
import operator
from json import dumps
import yaml
from cerberus import Validator

[docs]class Input: """ Class to handle the input file in YAML_ format. .. _YAML: An example input file could look like: .. code-block:: yaml # General # ======= # - output_folder: Used as output folder output_folder: r13_1_coeffs_sources_rot_noinflow_p2p2p2p2p2_stab # Meshes # ====== # - meshes: List of input meshes in h5 format to run simulations on meshes: - ../mesh/ring0.h5 - ../mesh/ring1.h5 - ../mesh/ring2.h5 - ../mesh/ring3.h5 - ../mesh/ring4.h5 # - ../mesh/ring5.h5 # - ../mesh/ring6.h5 # - ../mesh/ring7.h5 # - ../mesh/ring8.h5 # Numerical Parameters # ==================== # - elements: Must contain the fields: theta, s, p, u, sigma # - fields: List of FEM parameters (shape, degree) # - shape: Element shape, e.g. Lagrange # - degree: Element degree, e.g. 2 # - stabilization: Must contain cip and gls # - cip: Collection of Continous Interior Penalty (CIP) parameters # - enable: Enable CIP stabilization # - delta_theta: Stabilization of grad(T)*grad(T_test) over edge # - delta_u: Stabilization of grad(u)*grad(u_test) over edge # - delta_p: Stabilization of grad(p)*grad(p_test) over edge # - gls: Collection of Garlerkin Least Squares (GLS) parameters # - enable: Enable GLS stabilization # - tau_energy: Stabilization with energy eq. residual # - tau_heatflux: Stabilization with heatflux eq. residual # - tau_mass: Stabilization with mass eq. residual # - tau_momentum: Stabilization with momentum eq. residual # - tau_stress: Stabilization with stress eq. residual elements: theta: shape: Lagrange degree: 2 s: shape: Lagrange degree: 2 p: shape: Lagrange degree: 2 u: shape: Lagrange degree: 2 sigma: shape: Lagrange degree: 2 stabilization: cip: enable: True delta_theta: 1.0 delta_u: 1.0 delta_p: 0.01 gls: enable: False tau_energy: 0.001 tau_heatflux: 0.001 tau_mass: 0.01 tau_momentum: 0.01 tau_stress: 0.01 # Formulation Parameters # ====================== # - nsd: Number of spatial dimensions == 2 # - mode: Formulation mode, one of heat, stress, r13 # - kn: Knudsen numberkn # - heat_source: Heat source function for mode==heat||r13 # - mass_source: Mass source function for mode==stress||r13 # - body_force: Body force for mode==stress||r13 nsd: 2 mode: r13 heat_source: 0 mass_source: 1.0 * (1.0 - (5.0*pow(R,2))/(18.0*pow(0.1,2))) * cos(phi) body_force: [0,0] # Region Parameters # ================= # - regs: Dictionary of all mesh regions # - reg_id: Must contain the following parameters: # - kn: Knudsen number # Boundary Conditions # =================== # - bcs: Dictionary of all boundary IDs from mesh # - bc_id: must contain the following parameters # - chi_tilde: Refaction coefficient in Maxwell accomodation model # - theta_w: Value for temperature at wall # - u_t_w: Value for tangential velocity at wall # - u_n_w: Value for normal velocity at wall # - p_w: Value for pressure at wall # - epsilon_w: Inflow-model parameter <=> Weight of pressure bcs: 3000: chi_tilde: 1.0 theta_w: 1.0 u_t_w: -10 u_n_w: 0 p_w: 0 epsilon_w: 0 3100: chi_tilde: 1.0 theta_w: 0.5 u_t_w: 0 u_n_w: 0 p_w: 0 epsilon_w: 0 # Convergence Study # ================= # - enable: Enable convergence study on given meshes # - exact_solution: Path to exact solution in cpp-format to compare # - plot: Show errors in matplotlib window. PDF output is default # - write_systemmatrix: Writes out systemmatrix (LHS) # - rescale_pressure: Rescale numerical pressure result for zero mean # - relative_errors: Use relative errors. If esol=0, use absolute. convergence_study: enable: True exact_solution: esols/1_coeffs_sources_rot_noinflow.cpp plot: False write_systemmatrix: False rescale_pressure: True relative_error: True # Postprocessing # ============== # - write_pdfs: Write all solution fields as PDF plot # - write_vecs: Write all solution fields as vectors # - massflow: List of BC IDs to compute massflow J=int_bc dot(u,n) ds # - line_integrals: List of line integral dicts: # - name: Name for output # - expr: Expression to evaluate # - start: Start point # - end: End point # - res: Sampling resolution of line postprocessing: write_pdfs: True write_vecs: True massflow: [] line_integrals: - name: "avg(abs(uy(x,y=0.5)))" expr: abs(uy)/8 start: [0, 0.5] end: [8, 0.5] res: 10000 - name: "avg(abs(uy(x,y=4.5)))" expr: abs(uy)/8 start: [0, 4.5] end: [8, 4.5] res: 10000 # Parameter Study # ============== # - enable: Repeat simulation with different p. values (study) # - parameter_key: Key as list, e.g. ["elemenets", "p", "degree"] # - parameter_values: List of value for parameter, e.g. [0.01,0.1,1,10] parameter_study: enable: True parameter_key: ["kn"] parameter_values: [1,2,3] Further input examples can be found in the ``tests`` or ``examples`` folders. Examples -------- >>> corrupt_input = Input("etc/doctest_data/corrupt_input.yml") Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Parsing error >>> working_input = Input( ... "tests/2d_heat/inputs/heat_01_coeffs_p1p1_stab.yml" ... ) Input:... """
[docs] def __init__(self, yaml_file): """Construct the Input class.""" try: with open(yaml_file, "r") as stream: self.dict = yaml.safe_load(stream) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"[Error] The input file {yaml_file} is not found.\n") raise val = Validator() input_schema = { "meshes": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": {"type": "string"} }, "nsd": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "allowed": [2, 3] }, "mode": { "type": "string", "required": True, "allowed": ["heat", "stress", "r13"] }, "regs": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "keysrules": {"type": "integer"}, "valuesrules": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "kn": { "anyof": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "float", "min": 1E-10} ], "required": True, }, } } }, "polar_coord_syst": { "type": "boolean", "required": True, }, "bcs": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "keysrules": {"type": "integer"}, "valuesrules": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "chi_tilde": { "anyof": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "float", "min": 1E-10} ], "required": True, }, "theta_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True, }, "u_t_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "u_n_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "u_x_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "u_y_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "u_z_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "p_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, "epsilon_w": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True }, } } }, "heat_source": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True, }, "mass_source": { "anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}], "required": True, }, "body_force": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": {"anyof": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"}]} }, "solver": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "solver_name": { "type": "string", "required": True, }, "preconditioner": { "type": "string", "required": True, } } }, "postprocessing": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "write_pdfs": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "write_vecs": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "massflow": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": {"type": "integer"} }, "line_integrals": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "name": { "type": "string", "required": True, }, "expr": { "anyof": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"} ], "required": True, }, "start": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": {"anyof": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"} ]} }, "end": { "type": "list", "required": True, "schema": {"anyof": [ {"type": "string"}, {"type": "float"} ]} }, "res": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 1 }, }, }, }, } }, "parameter_study": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "enable": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "parameter_key": { "type": "list", "required": True, }, "parameter_values": { "type": "list", "required": True, }, } }, "convergence_study": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "enable": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "exact_solution": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "plot": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "write_systemmatrix": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "rescale_pressure": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "relative_error": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, } }, "output_folder": { "type": "string", "required": True, }, "stabilization": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "cip": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "enable": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "delta_theta": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "delta_u": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "delta_p": { "type": "float", "required": True }, } }, "gls": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "enable": { "type": "boolean", "required": True }, "tau_energy": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "tau_heatflux": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "tau_mass": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "tau_momentum": { "type": "float", "required": True }, "tau_stress": { "type": "float", "required": True }, } }, } }, "elements": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "theta": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "shape": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "degree": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 0 } } }, "s": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "shape": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "degree": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 0 } } }, "p": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "shape": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "degree": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 0 } } }, "u": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "shape": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "degree": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 0 } } }, "sigma": { "type": "dict", "required": True, "schema": { "shape": { "type": "string", "required": True }, "degree": { "type": "integer", "required": True, "min": 0 } } }, } } } if not val.validate(self.dict, input_schema): print("! Parsing Error: \n" + str(val.errors) + "\n") raise Exception("Parsing error") print("Input:\n" + dumps(self.dict, indent=None))
[docs] def get_from_input(self, map_list): """ Get value of the input dict by using a list of stacked keys. Source: ..access-nested-dictionary-items-via-a-list-of-keys/37704379 """ try: return reduce(operator.getitem, map_list, self.dict) except Exception: raise Exception("Dict has no entry with the key:", map_list)
[docs] def set_in_input(self, map_list, value): """Change value of the input dict by using a list of stacked keys.""" self.get_from_input(map_list[:-1])[map_list[-1]] = value