Source code for fenicsR13.solver

# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=not-callable
# noqa: E226

Solver module, contains the Solver class.

For usage examples, see the :class:`solver.Solver` description.

import sys
import os
import copy
import time as time_module
import dolfin as df
import ufl
import numpy as np
import fenicsR13.tensoroperations as to

[docs]class Solver: r""" Class to store the actual solver. Possible order of methods in context of convergence study (see main program): "mesh=meshes[i=0]", "__init__", "assemble()", "solve()", "write()", "...", "mesh=meshes[i+1]", "__init__", "..." Parameters ---------- params : input.Input Input parameters mesh : meshes.H5Mesh Mesh time : string Identifier for e.g. convergence study naming Returns ------- Solver Solver object Example ------- >>> # Example usage: >>> from fenicsR13.input import Input >>> from fenicsR13.meshes import H5Mesh >>> params = Input( ... "tests/2d_heat/inputs/heat_01_coeffs_p1p1_stab.yml" ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Input:... >>> msh = H5Mesh("tests/2d_mesh/ring0.h5") >>> solver = Solver(params.dict, msh, "0") # "0" means time=0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, params, mesh, time): """Initialize solver and setup variables from input parameters.""" self.params = params #: Doctest self.mesh = mesh.mesh self.regions = mesh.subdomains self.boundaries = mesh.boundaries self.cell = self.mesh.ufl_cell() self.time = time self.mode = params["mode"] self.nsd = params["nsd"] self.comm = df.MPI.comm_world self.rank = df.MPI.rank(self.comm) # CIP self.use_cip = self.params["stabilization"]["cip"]["enable"] self.delta_theta = self.params["stabilization"]["cip"]["delta_theta"] self.delta_u = self.params["stabilization"]["cip"]["delta_u"] self.delta_p = self.params["stabilization"]["cip"]["delta_p"] # GLS self.use_gls = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["enable"] self.tau_energy = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["tau_energy"] self.tau_heatflux = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["tau_heatflux"] self.tau_mass = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["tau_mass"] self.tau_momentum = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["tau_momentum"] self.tau_stress = self.params["stabilization"]["gls"]["tau_stress"] self.solver_name = self.params["solver"]["solver_name"] self.preconditioner = self.params["solver"]["preconditioner"] self.write_pdfs = self.params["postprocessing"]["write_pdfs"] self.write_vecs = self.params["postprocessing"]["write_vecs"] self.massflow = self.params["postprocessing"]["massflow"] self.line_integrals = self.params["postprocessing"]["line_integrals"] # Create region field expressions self.regs = copy.deepcopy(self.params["regs"]) for reg_id in self.regs: for field in self.regs[reg_id].keys(): self.regs[reg_id][field] = self.__createMacroScaExpr( self.regs[reg_id][field] ) # Create boundary field expressions self.bcs = copy.deepcopy(self.params["bcs"]) for edge_id in self.bcs: for field in self.bcs[edge_id].keys(): self.bcs[edge_id][field] = self.__createMacroScaExpr( self.bcs[edge_id][field] ) self.polar_system = self.params["polar_coord_syst"] self.heat_source = self.__createMacroScaExpr(self.params["heat_source"]) self.mass_source = self.__createMacroScaExpr(self.params["mass_source"]) self.body_force = self.__createMacroVecExpr(self.params["body_force"]) self.exact_solution = self.params["convergence_study"]["exact_solution"] self.write_systemmatrix = self.params["convergence_study"][ "write_systemmatrix" ] self.rescale_p = self.params["convergence_study"]["rescale_pressure"] self.relative_error = self.params["convergence_study"][ "relative_error" ] self.output_folder = self.params["output_folder"] + "/" self.var_ranks = { "theta": 0, "s": 1, "p": 0, "u": 1, "sigma": 2, } self.elems = { "theta": None, "s": None, "p": None, "u": None, "sigma": None, } self.fspaces = { "theta": None, "s": None, "p": None, "u": None, "sigma": None, } self.mxd_elems = { "heat": None, "stress": None, "r13": None, } self.mxd_fspaces = { "heat": None, "stress": None, "r13": None, } self.form_lhs = None self.form_rhs = None self.sol = { "theta": None, "s": None, "p": None, "u": None, "sigma": None, } self.esol = { "theta": None, "s": None, "p": None, "u": None, "sigma": None, } self.errors = {}
def __createSolMacroScaExpr(self, cpp_string): """ Return a DOLFIN scalar expression with predefined macros after solve. These macros include: ============================ =========== =============================== Name Macro CPP Replacement ============================ =========== =============================== ``theta`` ``theta`` ``sol["theta"]`` ``sx`` ``sx`` ``sol["s"].split()[0]`` ``sy`` ``sy`` ``sol["s"].split()[1]`` ``p`` ``p`` ``sol["p"]`` ``ux`` ``ux`` ``sol["u"].split()[0]`` ``uy`` ``uy`` ``sol["u"].split()[1]`` ``sigmaxx`` ``sigmaxx`` ``sol["sigma"].split()[0]`` ``sigmaxy`` ``sigmaxy`` ``sol["sigma"].split()[1]`` ``sigmayx`` ``sigmayx`` ``sol["sigma"].split()[1]`` ``sigmayy`` ``sigmayy`` ``sol["sigma"].split()[2]`` ============================ =========== =============================== """ return df.Expression( str(cpp_string), degree=2, theta=self.sol["theta"], sx=self.sol["s"].split()[0], sy=self.sol["s"].split()[1], p=self.sol["p"], ux=self.sol["u"].split()[0], uy=self.sol["u"].split()[1], sigmaxx=self.sol["sigma"].split()[0], sigmaxy=self.sol["sigma"].split()[1], sigmayx=self.sol["sigma"].split()[1], sigmayy=self.sol["sigma"].split()[2] ) def __createMacroScaExpr(self, cpp_string): """ Return a DOLFIN scalar expression with predefined macros. These macros include: ============================ ======= ================================= Name Macro CPP Replacement ============================ ======= ================================= Radius wrt. to :math:`(0,0)` ``R`` ``sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2))`` Angle wrt. :math:`(0,0)` ``phi`` ``atan2(x[1],x[0])`` ============================ ======= ================================= The following expressions are therefore equal: .. code-block:: python # expr1 is equal to expr2 expr1 = self.__createMacroScaExpr("R*cos(phi)") expr2 = dolfin.Expression( "R*cos(phi)", degree=2, R=dolfin.Expression("sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2))", degree=2), phi=dolfin.Expression("atan2(x[1],x[0])", degree=2), ) """ # TODO: Check for constants and then use df.Constant R = df.Expression("sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2))", degree=2) phi = df.Expression("atan2(x[1],x[0])", degree=2) return df.Expression( str(cpp_string), degree=2, phi=phi, R=R ) def __createMacroVecExpr(self, cpp_strings): """ Return a DOLFIN vector expression with predefined macros. These macros include: ============================ ======= ================================= Name Macro CPP Replacement ============================ ======= ================================= Radius wrt. to :math:`(0,0)` ``R`` ``sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2))`` Angle wrt. :math:`(0,0)` ``phi`` ``atan2(x[1],x[0])`` ============================ ======= ================================= See Also -------- _Solver__createMacroScaExpr """ R = df.Expression("sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2))", degree=2) phi = df.Expression("atan2(x[1],x[0])", degree=2) # TODO Handle R, phi for 3D case => raise error? cpp_strings = [str(i) for i in cpp_strings] if len(cpp_strings) == 2: return df.Expression( cpp_strings, # strange that no cast to list is needed degree=2, phi=phi, R=R ) else: return df.Expression(cpp_strings, degree=2) def __setup_function_spaces(self): """ Set up function spaces for trial and test functions for assembling. Depends on the ``mode``. Function spaces depend on the choice of the element and its degree (see the input file :class:`input.Input`). The following DOLFIN functions are used: ========= ================= field DOLFIN Function ========= ================= ``theta`` ``FiniteElement`` ``s`` ``VectorElement`` ``p`` ``FiniteElement`` ``u`` ``VectorElement`` ``sigma`` ``TensorElement`` ========= ================= """ # Setup elements for all fields cell = self.cell msh = self.mesh for var in self.elems: e = self.params["elements"][var]["shape"] deg = self.params["elements"][var]["degree"] if self.var_ranks[var] == 0: self.elems[var] = df.FiniteElement(e, cell, deg) elif self.var_ranks[var] == 1: self.elems[var] = df.VectorElement(e, cell, deg) elif self.var_ranks[var] == 2: if self.nsd == 2: self.elems[var] = df.TensorElement( e, cell, deg, symmetry={(0, 1): (1, 0)} ) else: # nsd==3 in this case self.elems[var] = df.TensorElement( e, cell, deg, symmetry={ (0, 1): (1, 0), (2, 0): (0, 2), (1, 2): (2, 1), (0, 0): (2, 2) } ) self.fspaces[var] = df.FunctionSpace(msh, self.elems[var]) # Bundle elements per mode into `mxd_elems` dict # 1) heat heat_elems = [self.elems["theta"], self.elems["s"]] self.mxd_elems["heat"] = df.MixedElement(heat_elems) self.mxd_fspaces["heat"] = df.FunctionSpace( msh, self.mxd_elems["heat"] ) # 2) stress stress_elems = [self.elems["p"], self.elems["u"], self.elems["sigma"]] self.mxd_elems["stress"] = df.MixedElement(stress_elems) self.mxd_fspaces["stress"] = df.FunctionSpace( msh, self.mxd_elems["stress"] ) # 3) r13 r13_elems = heat_elems + stress_elems self.mxd_elems["r13"] = df.MixedElement(r13_elems) self.mxd_fspaces["r13"] = df.FunctionSpace( msh, self.mxd_elems["r13"] ) def __check_regions(self): """ Check if all regions from the input mesh have params prescribed. Raises an exception if one region is missing. """ # TODO: Implement this region_ids = self.regions.array() regs_specified = list(self.regs.keys()) for reg_id in region_ids: if reg_id not in [0] + regs_specified: # inner zero allowed raise Exception("Mesh region {} has no params!".format(reg_id)) def __check_bcs(self): """ Check if all boundaries from the input mesh have BCs prescribed. Raises an exception if one BC is missing. """ boundary_ids = self.boundaries.array() bcs_specified = list(self.bcs.keys()) for edge_id in boundary_ids: if edge_id not in [0] + bcs_specified: # inner zero allowed raise Exception("Mesh edge {} has no bcs!".format(edge_id))
[docs] def normal(self): mesh1 = self.mesh v1 = df.as_vector([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) v2 = df.as_vector([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) n_vec = df.FacetNormal(mesh1) t_vec1 = df.conditional([0]), np.finfo(float).eps), df.cross(n_vec, v2 / df.sqrt(n_vec[0] ** 2 + n_vec[2] ** 2)), df.cross(n_vec, v1 / df.sqrt(n_vec[1] ** 2 + n_vec[2] ** 2)) ) t_vec2 = df.cross(n_vec, t_vec1) return n_vec, t_vec1, t_vec2
[docs] def assemble(self): r""" Assemble the weak form of the system, depending on the mode. This routine contains the main implementation of a stable variational formulation of the R13 system which allows equal order ansatz spaces for all variables and correctly incorporates the R13 boundary conditions. The system of partial differential equations results from the two dimensional, linearized R13 equations of [1]_, that have been derived from Boltzmann's equation as a continuum model for rarefied gas flows. The boundary conditions have been presented in [2]_, while the variational formulation and its stabilization was introduced in [3]_. See also [4]_ for a general review and [5]_ for the modified stable boundary conditions. .. [1] H. Struchtrup, M. Torrilhon (2003). Regularization of Grad's 13 Moment Equations: Derivation and Linear Analysis. .. [2] M. Torrilhon, H. Struchtrup (2007). Boundary Conditions for Regularized 13-Moment-Equations for Micro-Channel-Flows .. [3] A. Westerkamp, M. Torrilhon (2019). Finite Element Methods for the Linear Regularized 13-Moment Equations Describing Slow Rarefied Gas Flows .. [4] M. Torrilhon (2016). Modeling Nonequilibrium Gas Flow Based on Moment Equations .. [5] M. Torrilhon, N. Sarna (2017). Hierarchical Boltzmann Simulations and Model Error Estimation Identities: - :math:`\boldsymbol{x}_1 \in \mathbb{R}^3`, :math:`\boldsymbol{x}_2 \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 3}`, ... - Test function :math:`\boldsymbol{\psi}` is assumed to be symmetric and trace-less: .. math:: \boldsymbol{\psi} : \boldsymbol{I} = 0 \\ (\boldsymbol{\psi})_{\text{sym}} = \boldsymbol{\psi} - Trace of vector gradient is divergence of vector: .. math:: \langle \boldsymbol{I},\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{x}_1 \rangle = \boldsymbol{I} : \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{x}_1 = \text{div}(\boldsymbol{x}_1) - Inner product has orthogonality property with respect to the additive symmetric/skewsymmetric tensor decomposition: .. math:: \langle (\boldsymbol{x}_2)_{\text{sym}} , \boldsymbol{y}_2 \rangle &= \langle (\boldsymbol{x}_2)_{\text{sym}} , (\boldsymbol{y}_2)_{\text{sym}} + (\boldsymbol{y}_2)_{\text{skew}} \rangle \\ &= \langle (\boldsymbol{x}_2)_{\text{sym}} , (\boldsymbol{y}_2)_{\text{sym}} \rangle + \langle (\boldsymbol{x}_2)_{\text{sym}} , (\boldsymbol{y}_2)_{\text{skew}} \rangle \\ &= \langle (\boldsymbol{x}_2)_{\text{sym}} , (\boldsymbol{y}_2)_{\text{sym}} \rangle - Inner product of STF tensor with arbitrary tensor: .. math:: T_{i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{n} k_{1} \cdots k_{r}} A_{i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{n} j_{1} \cdots j_{n}} = T_{i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{n} k_{1} \cdots k_{r}} A_{\langle i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{n}\rangle j_{1} \cdots j_{n}} Tricks of the trade: .. math:: \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{STF}} , \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r} \rangle &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} - \frac13\text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})\boldsymbol{I} , \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r} \rangle \\ &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} , \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r} \rangle -\frac13\text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s}) \langle \boldsymbol{I},(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r}) \rangle \\ &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} , {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r})}_{\text{sym}} \rangle -\frac13\text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s}) \text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r}) \\ &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} , {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{r})}_{\text{sym}} \rangle -\frac13\text{div}(\boldsymbol{s}) \text{div}(\boldsymbol{r}) .. math:: \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{STF}} , \boldsymbol{\psi} \rangle &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} - \frac13\text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})\boldsymbol{I} , \boldsymbol{\psi} \rangle \\ &= \langle {(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s})}_{\text{sym}} , \boldsymbol{\psi} \rangle -\frac13\text{tr}(\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s}) \langle \boldsymbol{I},\boldsymbol{\psi} \rangle \\ &= \langle {\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s}} , {\boldsymbol{\psi}} \rangle -\frac13\text{div}(\boldsymbol{s}) \text{tr}(\boldsymbol{\psi}) \\ &= \langle {\boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{s}} , {\boldsymbol{\psi}} \rangle """ # Check if all mesh regions have params prescribed self.__check_regions() # Check if all mesh boundaries have bcs prescribed self.__check_bcs() # Setup required function spaces self.__setup_function_spaces() # Get local variables mesh = self.mesh regions = self.regions nsd = self.nsd regs = self.regs boundaries = self.boundaries bcs = self.bcs delta_theta = df.Constant(self.delta_theta) delta_u = df.Constant(self.delta_u) delta_p = df.Constant(self.delta_p) tau_energy = df.Constant(self.tau_energy) tau_heatflux = df.Constant(self.tau_heatflux) tau_mass = df.Constant(self.tau_mass) tau_momentum = df.Constant(self.tau_momentum) tau_stress = df.Constant(self.tau_stress) # Define custom measeasures for boundary edges and inner edges df.dx = df.Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=regions) df.ds = df.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) df.dS = df.Measure("dS", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) # Define mesh measuers h_msh = df.CellDiameter(mesh) h_avg = (h_msh("+") + h_msh("-")) / 2.0 # TODO: Study this, is it more precise? # fa = df.FacetArea(mesh) # h_avg_new = (fa("+") + fa("-"))/2.0 # Setup trial and test functions w_heat = self.mxd_fspaces["heat"] w_stress = self.mxd_fspaces["stress"] w_r13 = self.mxd_fspaces["r13"] if self.mode == "r13": (theta, s, p, u, sigma) = df.TrialFunctions(w_r13) (kappa, r, q, v, psi) = df.TestFunctions(w_r13) else: # Pure heat or pure stress: setup all functions.. (theta, s) = df.TrialFunctions(w_heat) (kappa, r) = df.TestFunctions(w_heat) (p, u, sigma) = df.TrialFunctions(w_stress) (q, v, psi) = df.TestFunctions(w_stress) sigma = to.gen3DTFdim3(sigma) psi = to.gen3DTFdim3(psi) # Setup source functions f_heat = self.heat_source f_mass = self.mass_source f_body = self.body_force # Decouple heat/stress switch if self.mode == "r13": cpl = 1 else: cpl = 0 # Stabilization if self.use_cip: cip = 1 else: cip = 0 if self.use_gls: gls = 1 else: gls = 0 # Setup normal/tangential projections # => tangential (tx,ty) = (-ny,nx) = perp(n) only for 2D if nsd == 2: n_vec = df.FacetNormal(mesh) t_vec1 = ufl.perp(n_vec) t_vec2 = df.as_vector([0, 0]) # the second tangent is zeroed. else: # defnining normals and tangents for 3D case n_vec, t_vec1, t_vec2 = self.normal() def n(rank1): return, n_vec) def t1(rank1): return, t_vec1) def t2(rank1): return, t_vec2) def nn(rank2): return * n_vec, n_vec) def t1t1(rank2): return * t_vec1, t_vec1) def nt1(rank2): return * n_vec, t_vec1) def nt2(rank2): return * n_vec, t_vec2) def t1t2(rank2): return * t_vec1, t_vec2) if self.mode == "heat" and nsd == 3: incl_delta = 0 # To match the esols differences in 2D and 3D heat systems # Caused by Manuel not including Delta for 3D in Mathematica # and Lambert added Delta only for 2D case # TODO: Fix this by including Delta also for 3D else: incl_delta = 1 # Sub functionals: # 1) Diagonals: def a(s, r): # Notes: # 4/5-24/75 = (60-24)/75 = 36/75 = 12/25 return sum([( # => 24/25*stf(grad)*grad + 24 / 25 * regs[reg]["kn"] * df.inner( df.sym(df.grad(s)), df.sym(df.grad(r)) ) - incl_delta * 24 / 75 * regs[reg]["kn"] * df.div(s) * df.div(r) # For Delta-term, works for R13 but fails for heat: + 4 / 5 * cpl * regs[reg]["kn"] * df.div(s) * df.div(r) + 4 / 15 * (1 / regs[reg]["kn"]) * df.inner(s, r) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) + sum([( + 1 / (2 * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"]) * n(s) * n(r) + 11 / 25 * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * t1(s) * t1(r) + cpl * 1 / 25 * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * t1(s) * t1(r) + 11 / 25 * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * t2(s) * t2(r) + cpl * 1 / 25 * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * t2(s) * t2(r) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) def d(si, ps): # Notes: # 21/20+3/40=45/40=9/8 return sum([( + regs[reg]["kn"] * df.inner( to.stf3d3(to.grad3dOf2(to.gen3DTFdim2(si), nsd)), to.stf3d3(to.grad3dOf2(to.gen3DTFdim2(ps), nsd)) ) + (1 / (2 * regs[reg]["kn"])) * df.inner( to.gen3DTFdim2(si), to.gen3DTFdim2(ps) ) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) + sum([( + bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * 21 / 20 * nn(si) * nn(ps) + bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * cpl * 3 / 40 * nn(si) * nn(ps) + bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * ( (t1t1(si) + (1 / 2) * nn(si)) * (t1t1(ps) + (1 / 2) * nn(ps)) ) + (1 / bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"]) * nt1(si) * nt1(ps) + (1 / bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"]) * nt2(si) * nt2(ps) + bcs[bc]["epsilon_w"] * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * nn(si) * nn(ps) + bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * t1t2(si) * t1t2(ps) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) def h(p, q): return sum([( bcs[bc]["epsilon_w"] * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * p * q ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) # 2) Offdiagonals: def b(th, r): return sum([( th * df.div(r) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) def c(r, si): return cpl * (sum([( 2 / 5 * df.inner(si, df.grad(r)) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) - sum([( 3 / 20 * nn(si) * n(r) + 1 / 5 * nt1(si) * t1(r) + 1 / 5 * nt2(si) * t2(r) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()])) def e(u, ps): return sum([(, u) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) def f(p, ps): return sum([( bcs[bc]["epsilon_w"] * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * p * nn(ps) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) def g(p, v): return sum([( df.inner(v, df.grad(p)) ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) # def g(p, v): # return sum([( # - df.div(v) * p # ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) + sum([( # p * n(v) # ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) # 3.1) CIP Stabilization: def j_theta(theta, kappa): return ( + delta_theta * h_avg**3 * df.jump(df.grad(theta), n_vec) * df.jump(df.grad(kappa), n_vec) ) * df.dS def j_u(u, v): return ( + delta_u * h_avg**3 *, n_vec), df.jump(df.grad(v), n_vec)) ) * df.dS def j_p(p, q): return ( + delta_p * h_avg * df.jump(df.grad(p), n_vec) * df.jump(df.grad(q), n_vec) ) * df.dS # 3.2) GLS Stabilization def gls_heat(theta, kappa, s, r): return sum([( tau_energy * h_msh**1 * ( df.inner( df.div(s) + cpl * df.div(u) - f_heat, df.div(r) + cpl * df.div(v) ) ) # energy + tau_heatflux * h_msh**1 * df.inner( (5 / 2) * df.grad(theta) - (12 / 5) * regs[reg]["kn"] * df.div(to.stf3d2(df.grad(s))) - (1 / 6) * regs[reg]["kn"] * 12 * df.grad(df.div(s)) + 1 / regs[reg]["kn"] * 2 / 3 * s, (5 / 2) * df.grad(kappa) - (12 / 5) * regs[reg]["kn"] * df.div(to.stf3d2(df.grad(r))) - (1 / 6) * regs[reg]["kn"] * 12 * df.grad(df.div(r)) + 1 / regs[reg]["kn"] * 2 / 3 * r ) # heatflux ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) def gls_stress(p, q, u, v, sigma, psi): return sum([( tau_mass * h_msh**1.5 * df.inner( df.div(v), df.div(u) - f_mass ) # mass + tau_momentum * h_msh**1.5 * df.inner( df.grad(q) + df.div(psi), df.grad(p) + df.div(sigma) - f_body ) # momentum + tau_stress * h_msh**1.5 * df.inner( cpl * (4 / 5) * to.gen3DTFdim2(df.grad(r)) + 2 * to.stf3d2(to.gen3d2(df.grad(v))) - 2 * regs[reg]["kn"] * to.div3d3( to.stf3d3(to.grad3dOf2(to.gen3DTFdim2(psi), nsd)) ) + (1 / regs[reg]["kn"]) * to.gen3DTFdim2(psi), cpl * (4 / 5) * to.gen3DTFdim2(df.grad(s)) + 2 * to.stf3d2(to.gen3d2(df.grad(u))) - 2 * regs[reg]["kn"] * to.div3d3( to.stf3d3(to.grad3dOf2(to.gen3DTFdim2(sigma), nsd)) ) + (1 / regs[reg]["kn"]) * to.gen3DTFdim2(sigma) ) # stress ) * df.dx(reg) for reg in regs.keys()]) v1 = {} # boundary velocity vector if nsd == 2: if self.polar_system is True: # Polar implementation for bc in bcs.keys(): v1.update({ bc: bcs[bc]["u_n_w"] * n_vec + bcs[bc]["u_t_w"] * t_vec1 }) else: # Cartesian implementation for bc in bcs.keys(): v1.update({ bc: df.as_vector([bcs[bc]["u_x_w"], bcs[bc]["u_y_w"]]) }) else: if self.polar_system is True: raise Exception("Polar coordinates are NOT supported in 3D") for bc in bcs.keys(): v1.update({ bc: df.as_vector([ bcs[bc]["u_x_w"], bcs[bc]["u_y_w"], bcs[bc]["u_z_w"] ]) }) # Setup all equations A = [None] * 5 L = [None] * 5 # 1) Left-hand sides, bilinear form A[..]: # Changed inflow condition => minus before f(q, sigma) A[0] = a(s, r) - b(theta, r) - c(r, sigma) + 0 + 0 A[1] = b(kappa, s) + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 A[2] = c(s, psi) + 0 + d(sigma, psi) - e(u, psi) + f(p, psi) A[3] = 0 + 0 + e(v, sigma) + 0 + g(p, v) A[4] = 0 + 0 + f(q, sigma) - g(q, u) + h(p, q) # 2) Right-hand sides, linear functional L[..]: L[0] = - sum([( bcs[bc]["theta_w"] * n(r) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) # Use div(u)=f_mass to remain sym. (density-form doesnt need this): L[1] = (f_heat - f_mass) * kappa * df.dx L[2] = - sum([( + t1(v1[bc]) * nt1(psi) + t2(v1[bc]) * nt2(psi) + ( + n(v1[bc]) - bcs[bc]["epsilon_w"] * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * bcs[bc]["p_w"] ) * nn(psi) ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) L[3] = +, v) * df.dx L[4] = + (f_mass * q) * df.dx - sum([( ( + n(v1[bc]) - bcs[bc]["epsilon_w"] * bcs[bc]["chi_tilde"] * bcs[bc]["p_w"] ) * q ) * df.ds(bc) for bc in bcs.keys()]) # Combine all equations to compound weak form and add stabilization if self.mode == "heat": self.form_lhs = sum(A[0:2]) + ( cip * (j_theta(theta, kappa)) + gls * df.lhs(gls_heat(theta, kappa, s, r)) ) self.form_rhs = sum(L[0:2]) + ( gls * df.rhs(gls_heat(theta, kappa, s, r)) ) elif self.mode == "stress": self.form_lhs = sum(A[2:5]) + ( cip * (j_u(u, v) + j_p(p, q)) + gls * df.lhs(gls_stress(p, q, u, v, sigma, psi)) ) self.form_rhs = sum(L[2:5]) + ( gls * df.rhs(gls_stress(p, q, u, v, sigma, psi)) ) elif self.mode == "r13": self.form_lhs = sum(A) + ( cip * (j_theta(theta, kappa) + j_u(u, v) + j_p(p, q)) + gls * df.lhs( gls_heat(theta, kappa, s, r) + gls_stress(p, q, u, v, sigma, psi) ) ) self.form_rhs = sum(L) + ( gls * df.rhs( gls_heat(theta, kappa, s, r) + gls_stress(p, q, u, v, sigma, psi) ) )
[docs] def solve(self): """ Solve the previously assembled system. Some available solver options: .. code-block:: python # Some solver params solver_parameters={ "linear_solver": "gmres", "preconditioner": "ilu" # or "linear_solver": "petsc", "preconditioner": "ilu" # or "linear_solver": "direct" # or "linear_solver": "mumps" # or "linear_solver": "mumps" } # List all available solvers and preconditioners: list_linear_solver_methods() bicgstab | Biconjugate gradient stabilized method cg | Conjugate gradient method default | default linear solver gmres | Generalized minimal residual method minres | Minimal residual method mumps | MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Sparse Direct) petsc | PETSc built in LU solver richardson| Richardson method superlu | SuperLU tfqmr | Transpose-free quasi-minimal residual method umfpack | UMFPACK (Unsymmetric MultiFrontal sparse LU factoriz.) # "direct" means "default" means "lu" of default backend print(parameters["linear_algebra_backend"]) # usually PETSc list_krylov_solver_preconditioners() amg | Algebraic multigrid default | default preconditioner hypre_amg | Hypre algebraic multigrid (BoomerAMG) hypre_euclid | Hypre parallel incomplete LU factorization hypre_parasails | Hypre parallel sparse approximate inverse icc | Incomplete Cholesky factorization ilu | Incomplete LU factorization jacobi | Jacobi iteration none | No preconditioner petsc_amg | PETSc algebraic multigrid sor | Successive over-relaxation """ solver_name = self.solver_name preconditioner = self.preconditioner if self.mode == "heat": w = self.mxd_fspaces["heat"] elif self.mode == "stress": w = self.mxd_fspaces["stress"] elif self.mode == "r13": w = self.mxd_fspaces["r13"] print("Start assemble") sys.stdout.flush() start_t = time_module.time() AA = df.assemble(self.form_lhs) LL = df.assemble(self.form_rhs) end_t = time_module.time() secs = end_t - start_t self.write_content_to_file("assemble", secs) print("Finish assemble: {}".format(str(secs))) sys.stdout.flush() print("Start solve") sys.stdout.flush() start_t = time_module.time() sol = df.Function(w) # TODO: Add to input files # df.parameters['krylov_solver']['monitor_convergence'] = True # df.parameters['krylov_solver']['absolute_tolerance'] = 1E-10 # df.parameters['krylov_solver']['relative_tolerance'] = 1E-10 # df.parameters['krylov_solver']['maximum_iterations'] = 1000 # df.parameters['krylov_solver']['nonzero_initial_guess'] = False # w.dofmap().set(sol.vector(), 1.0) # w.dofmap().set(sol.split()[2].vector(), 0.0) df.solve( AA, sol.vector(), LL, solver_name, preconditioner ) # TODO: Test this # # Create Krylov solver # solver = df.PETScKrylovSolver("bicgstab", "amg") # solver.set_operator(AA) # # Create vector that spans the null space and normalize # null_vec = df.Vector(sol.vector()) # w.dofmap().set(null_vec, 1.0) # null_vec *= 1.0/null_vec.norm("l2") # # Create null space basis object and attach to PETSc matrix # null_space = df.VectorSpaceBasis([null_vec]) # df.as_backend_type(AA).set_nullspace(null_space) # null_space.orthogonalize(LL); # solver.solve(sol.vector(), LL) # TODO: Add solver params to YML end_t = time_module.time() secs = end_t - start_t self.write_content_to_file("solve", secs) print("Finished solve: {}".format(str(secs))) sys.stdout.flush() if self.mode == "heat": (self.sol["theta"], self.sol["s"]) = sol.split() elif self.mode == "stress": (self.sol["p"], self.sol["u"], self.sol["sigma"]) = sol.split() elif self.mode == "r13": ( self.sol["theta"], self.sol["s"], self.sol["p"], self.sol["u"], self.sol["sigma"] ) = sol.split() # Special treatment for sigma if self.mode == "stress" or self.mode == "r13": self.sol["sigma"] = df.project( to.gen3DTFdim3(self.sol["sigma"]), df.TensorFunctionSpace( self.mesh, "Lagrange", self.params["elements"]["sigma"]["degree"] ), solver_type=solver_name, preconditioner_type=preconditioner ) if self.mode == "stress" or self.mode == "r13": if self.rescale_p: # Scale pressure to have zero mean p_i = df.interpolate(self.sol["p"], self.fspaces["p"]) mean_p_value = self.__calc_sf_mean(p_i) mean_p_fct = df.Function(self.fspaces["p"]) mean_p_fct.assign(df.Constant(mean_p_value)) p_i.assign(p_i - mean_p_fct) self.sol["p"] = p_i # Calculate mass flows for bc_id in self.massflow: if bc_id not in self.boundaries.array(): raise Exception("Massflow: {} is no boundary.".format(bc_id)) n = df.FacetNormal(self.mesh) mass_flow_rate = df.assemble( df.inner(self.sol["u"], n) * df.ds(bc_id) ) print("mass flow rate of BC", bc_id, ":", mass_flow_rate) self.write_content_to_file("massflow_" + str(bc_id), mass_flow_rate) if self.mode == "stress" or self.mode == "r13": vol = df.assemble(df.Constant(1) * df.dx) avgvel = df.assemble( abs(df.inner(self.sol["u"], self.sol["u"])) * df.dx ) / vol print("avg vel:", avgvel) self.write_content_to_file("avgvel", avgvel) def __line_integral_average(u, A, B, n): """ Integrate u over segment [A, B] partitioned into n elements. See: """ assert u.value_rank() == 0 assert len(A) == len(B) > 1 and np.linalg.norm(A - B) > 0 assert n > 0 # Mesh line for integration mesh_points = [A + t * (B - A) for t in np.linspace(0, 1, n + 1)] tdim, gdim = 1, len(A) # Create line mesh mesh = df.Mesh(df.MPI.comm_world) if self.rank == 0: editor = df.MeshEditor(), "interval", tdim, gdim) editor.init_vertices(n + 1) editor.init_cells(n) for vi, v in enumerate(mesh_points): editor.add_vertex(vi, v) for ci in range(n): editor.add_cell(ci, np.array([ci, ci + 1], dtype='uintp')) editor.close() df.MeshPartitioning.build_distributed_mesh(mesh) # Setup function space elm = u.function_space().ufl_element() family = degree = V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, family, degree) v = df.Function(V) # Interpolate to line mesh # df.interpolate does not work in parallel from different meshes # -> # programmers-reference/cpp/function/LagrangeInterpolator.html # Use LagrangeInterpolator, which works in parallel # -> # function-interpolation-in-parallel/?show=12144#c12144 df.LagrangeInterpolator.interpolate(v, u) custom_dx = df.Measure("dx", domain=mesh) return df.assemble(v * custom_dx) print("Start line_integrals") start_t = time_module.time() sys.stdout.flush() for li in self.line_integrals: name = li["name"] # Interpolate in "best" Lagrange space maxdeg = max([ self.params["elements"]["theta"]["degree"], self.params["elements"]["s"]["degree"], self.params["elements"]["p"]["degree"], self.params["elements"]["u"]["degree"], self.params["elements"]["sigma"]["degree"] ]) expr = df.interpolate( self.__createSolMacroScaExpr(li["expr"]), df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Lagrange", maxdeg) ) start = np.array(li["start"]) end = np.array(li["end"]) res = li["res"] result = __line_integral_average( expr, start, end, res ) self.write_content_to_file( "line_integral_{}".format(name), result ) end_t = time_module.time() secs = end_t - start_t print("Finish line_integrals: {}".format(str(secs))) sys.stdout.flush()
def __load_exact_solution(self): """ Load exact solution from the location given in ``input.yml``. The exact solution must be C++ format with a specific syntax. The ``esol.cpp`` must contain the classes: =============== ===================== Class mode =============== ===================== ``Temperature`` ``heat`` or ``r13`` ``Heatflux`` ``heat`` or ``r13`` ``Pressure`` ``stress`` or ``r13`` ``Velocity`` ``stress`` or ``r13`` ``Stress`` ``stress`` or ``r13`` =============== ===================== The file has to follow a specific syntax for DOLFIN. An example file could look like: .. code-block:: c++ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/eigen.h> #include <cmath> // additional includes #include <boost/math/special_functions/bessel.hpp> using namespace std; namespace py = pybind11; #include <dolfin/function/Expression.h> double lambda_3 = sqrt(3.0/2.0); // some own constants class Temperature : public dolfin::Expression { public: Temperature() : dolfin::Expression() {} void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x) const override { values[0] = 1; // value } }; class Heatflux : public dolfin::Expression { public: Heatflux() : dolfin::Expression(2) {} // note components=2! void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x) const override { values[0] = 42; values[1] = 3.14; } }; class Pressure : public dolfin::Expression { public: Pressure() : dolfin::Expression() {} void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x) const override { values[0] = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(1,2.71); // external } }; class Velocity : public dolfin::Expression { public: Velocity() : dolfin::Expression(2) {} void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x) const override { values[0] = lambda_3; values[1] = 2; } }; class Stress : public dolfin::Expression { public: Stress() : dolfin::Expression(2,2) {} // note dim=2, shape=(2,2) void eval(Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> values, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd> x) const override { double xx_val = 1.23; double xy_val = 1.23; double yy_val = 1.23; values[0] = xx_val; values[1] = xy_val; values[2] = yy_val; // values[3] = xy_val // not used due to symmetry, skip } }; PYBIND11_MODULE(SIGNATURE, m) { // needed for DOLFIN py::class_<Temperature, std::shared_ptr<Temperature>, dolfin::Expression> (m, "Temperature") .def(py::init<>()); py::class_<Heatflux, std::shared_ptr<Heatflux>, dolfin::Expression> (m, "Heatflux") .def(py::init<>()); py::class_<Pressure, std::shared_ptr<Pressure>, dolfin::Expression> (m, "Pressure") .def(py::init<>()); py::class_<Velocity, std::shared_ptr<Velocity>, dolfin::Expression> (m, "Velocity") .def(py::init<>()); py::class_<Stress, std::shared_ptr<Stress>, dolfin::Expression> (m, "Stress") .def(py::init<>()); } """ if self.mode == "heat" or self.mode == "r13": with open(self.exact_solution, "r") as file: exact_solution_cpp_code = esol = df.compile_cpp_code(exact_solution_cpp_code) self.esol["theta"] = df.CompiledExpression( esol.Temperature(), degree=2 ) self.esol["s"] = df.CompiledExpression( esol.Heatflux(), degree=2 ) if self.mode == "stress" or self.mode == "r13": with open(self.exact_solution, "r") as file: exact_solution_cpp_code = esol = df.compile_cpp_code(exact_solution_cpp_code) self.esol["p"] = df.CompiledExpression( esol.Pressure(), degree=2 ) self.esol["u"] = df.CompiledExpression( esol.Velocity(), degree=2 ) self.esol["sigma"] = df.CompiledExpression( esol.Stress(), degree=2 ) def __calc_sf_mean(self, scalar_function): """ Calculate the mean of a scalar function. .. code-block:: python np.set_printoptions(precision=16) # Precision is not soo nice, only 9 digits: print(mean) # In solve() has m. prec. hmmm: print(self.__calc_sf_mean(self.sol["p"])) .. note:: The following does not work in parallel because the mean is then only local. So convergence studies have to be performed in serial: .. code-block:: python mean = np.mean(scalar_function.compute_vertex_values()) """ v = scalar_function.compute_vertex_values() mean = np.mean(v) print("The mean pressure value is", mean) return mean def __calc_field_errors(self, field_, field_e_, v_field, name_): r""" Calculate both :math:`L_2` and :math:`l_\infty` errors. Works for scalars, vectors and tensors. The difference is written to a file. The exact solution is written to a file. Relative errors are based per field component and the maximum value of the analytical solution. If the analytical solution is uniformly zero, then the absolute erorrs is used. (equivalent to setting the maximum to 1) Parameters ---------- field_ : DOLFIN function calculated field field_e_ : DOLFIN function exact solution of field v_field : DOLFIN fspace function space for error calculation name_ : string name of the field, used to write difference Returns ------- dict Dict with an error list for "L_2" and a list for "l_inf" Raises ------ Nothing See Also -------- calculate_errors: Function to return all field errors Notes ----- For other norm types, see DOLFIN documentation [6]_ and search for norms. References ---------- .. [6] `DOLFIN documentation <>`_ """ field_e_i = df.interpolate(field_e_, v_field) field_i = df.interpolate(field_, v_field) dofs = len(field_e_i.split()) or 1 if dofs == 1: # scalar errs_f_L2 = [df.errornorm(field_e_i, field_i, "L2", degree_rise=1)] errs_v_linf = [ np.max( np.abs( field_e_i.compute_vertex_values() - field_i.compute_vertex_values() ) ) ] else: # vector or tensor errs_f_L2 = [df.errornorm( field_e_i.split()[i], field_i.split()[i], "L2", degree_rise=1 ) for i in range(dofs)] errs_v_linf = [ np.max( np.abs( field_e_i.split()[i].compute_vertex_values() - field_i.split()[i].compute_vertex_values() ) ) for i in range(dofs) ] if self.relative_error: if dofs == 1: # scalar max_esols = [ np.max(np.abs(field_e_i.compute_vertex_values())) or 1 ] else: # vector or tensor max_esols = [ np.max( np.abs(field_e_i.split()[i].compute_vertex_values()) ) for i in range(dofs) ] errs_f_L2 = [x / y for x, y in zip(errs_f_L2, max_esols)] errs_v_linf = [x / y for x, y in zip(errs_v_linf, max_esols)] print("Calculate errors..") print("Error " + str(name_) + " L_2:", errs_f_L2) print("Error " + str(name_) + " l_inf:", errs_v_linf) self.__write_xdmf(name_ + "_e", field_e_i, False) return [{ "L_2": errs_f_L2[i], "l_inf": errs_v_linf[i], } for i in range(dofs)]
[docs] def calculate_errors(self): """ Calculate and return the errors of numerical to exact solution. This includes all calculated fields. .. note:: Usage of `np.max()` does not work in parallel. So convergence studies have to be performed in serial for now. Final fields should be right, so MPI can be used for production simulations. Returns: dict -- Errors """ cell = self.cell msh = self.mesh e = self.params["elements"]["sigma"]["shape"] deg = self.params["elements"]["sigma"]["degree"] self.__load_exact_solution() if self.mode == "heat" or self.mode == "r13": se = self.__calc_field_errors( self.sol["theta"], self.esol["theta"], self.fspaces["theta"], "theta" ) ve = self.__calc_field_errors( self.sol["s"], self.esol["s"], self.fspaces["s"], "s" ) ers = self.errors ers["theta"] = se[0] ers["sx"] = ve[0] ers["sy"] = ve[1] if self.nsd > 2: ers["sz"] = ve[2] if self.mode == "stress" or self.mode == "r13": se = self.__calc_field_errors( self.sol["p"], self.esol["p"], self.fspaces["p"], "p" ) ve = self.__calc_field_errors( self.sol["u"], self.esol["u"], self.fspaces["u"], "u" ) te = self.__calc_field_errors( self.sol["sigma"], self.esol["sigma"], df.FunctionSpace(msh, df.TensorElement( e, cell, deg)), "sigma" ) ers = self.errors if self.nsd == 2: ers["p"] = se[0] ers["ux"] = ve[0] ers["uy"] = ve[1] ers["sigmaxx"] = te[0] ers["sigmaxy"] = te[1] ers["sigmayy"] = te[3] else: ers["p"] = se[0] ers["ux"] = ve[0] ers["uy"] = ve[1] ers["uz"] = ve[2] ers["sigmaxx"] = te[0] ers["sigmaxy"] = te[1] ers["sigmaxz"] = te[2] ers["sigmayy"] = te[4] ers["sigmayz"] = te[5] return self.errors
[docs] def write_content_to_file(self, filename, content): """Write content to a file in the output folder.""" path = self.output_folder + filename + "_" + str(self.time) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, mode='w') as file: print("Write: {}".format(path)) file.write(str(content))
[docs] def write(self): """ Write all solver data to separate folder. This includes the writing of: (#) Solutions (#) Parameter functions (#) System matrices if set in input file """ print("Write fields..") self.__write_solutions() if self.write_vecs: self.__write_vecs() if self.nsd == 2: self.__write_parameters() if self.write_systemmatrix: self.__write_discrete_system()
def __write_solutions(self): """Write all solutions fields.""" sols = self.sol for field in sols: if sols[field] is not None: self.__write_xdmf(field, sols[field], self.write_pdfs) def __write_vecs(self): """Write all solutions to vectors.""" sols = self.sol for field in sols: if sols[field] is not None: self.__write_vec(field, sols[field]) def __write_parameters(self): """ Write parameter functions for debug reasons. This includes: (#) Heat source as `f_mass` (#) Mass Source as `f_heat` (#) Body force as `f_body` The parameter functions are internally interpolated into a :math:`P_1` space before writing. """ # Interpolation setup el_str = "Lagrange" deg = 1 el_s = df.FiniteElement(el_str, degree=deg, cell=self.cell) el_v = df.VectorElement(el_str, degree=deg, cell=self.cell) V_s = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, el_s) V_v = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, el_v) # Heat source f_heat = df.interpolate(self.heat_source, V_s) self.__write_xdmf("f_heat", f_heat, False) # Mass source f_mass = df.interpolate(self.mass_source, V_s) self.__write_xdmf("f_mass", f_mass, False) # Body force f_body = df.interpolate(self.body_force, V_v) self.__write_xdmf("f_body", f_body, False) def __write_discrete_system(self): r""" Write the discrete system matrix and the RHS vector. Can be used to analyze e.g. condition number. Include writing of :math:`\mathbf{A}` and :math:`\mathbf{b}` of :math:`\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}`. File-ending is `.mat`. Import the matrices/vectors e.g. into Matlab with: .. code-block:: matlab % Input into MATLAB A = table2array(readtable("A_0.mat","FileType","text")); b = table2array(readtable("b_0.mat","FileType","text")); Julia: .. code-block:: julia using DelimitedFiles A = readdlm("A_0.mat", ' ', Float64, '\n') Example ------- >>> # Construct LHS >>> from dolfin import * >>> mesh = IntervalMesh(2 ,0, 1) >>> V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) >>> u = TrialFunction(V) >>> v = TestFunction(V) >>> a = inner(grad(u),grad(v))*dx >>> L = df.Constant(1)*v*dx >>> lhs = assemble(a) >>> print(lhs.array()) [[ 2. -2. 0.] [-2. 4. -2.] [ 0. -2. 2.]] >>> rhs = assemble(L) >>> print(rhs.get_local()) [ 0.25 0.5 0.25] >>> # Assign LHS to solver >>> from fenicsR13.input import Input >>> from fenicsR13.meshes import H5Mesh >>> params = Input( ... "tests/2d_heat/inputs/heat_01_coeffs_p1p1_stab.yml" ... ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Input:... >>> msh = H5Mesh("tests/2d_mesh/ring0.h5") >>> solver = Solver(params.dict, msh, "0") # "0" means time=0 >>> solver.form_lhs = a >>> solver.form_rhs = L >>> solver.output_folder = "./" >>> solver._Solver__write_discrete_system() Write ./A_0.mat Write ./b_0.mat >>> print(open("A_0.mat","r").read()) 2.0000...00000e+00 -2.0000...00000e+00 0.000...000000e+00 -2.0000...00000e+00 4.0000...00000e+00 -2.0000...00000e+00 0.0000...00000e+00 -2.0000...00000e+00 2.000...000000e+00 <BLANKLINE> >>> print(open("b_0.mat","r").read()) 2.500000000000000000e-01 5.000000000000000000e-01 2.500000000000000000e-01 <BLANKLINE> """ file_ending = ".mat" A_name = self.output_folder + "A_{}".format(self.time) + file_ending b_name = self.output_folder + "b_{}".format(self.time) + file_ending print("Write {}".format(A_name)) np.savetxt(A_name, df.assemble(self.form_lhs).array()) print("Write {}".format(b_name)) np.savetxt(b_name, df.assemble(self.form_rhs)) def __write_xdmf(self, name, field, write_pdf): """ Write a given field to a XDMF file in the output folder. *Arguments* name The name to be given to the field. Will be used as filename and is the name of the field in e.g. Paraview. field The field to write. write_pdf If true, write a simple PDF plot for all solution fields """ fname_xdmf = ( self.output_folder + name + "_" + str(self.time) + ".xdmf" ) with df.XDMFFile(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), fname_xdmf) as file: field.rename(name, name) print("Write {}".format(fname_xdmf)) file.write(field, self.time) if write_pdf: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pylint: disable=C0415 plt.switch_backend('agg') dimension = len(field.value_shape()) if dimension < 2: # skip tensors fname_pdf = ( self.output_folder + name + "_" + str(self.time) + ".pdf" ) plot = df.plot(field) plt.colorbar(plot) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.title(field) print("Write {}".format(fname_pdf)) plt.savefig(fname_pdf, dpi=150) plt.close() if dimension > 0: # skip scalars components = len(field.split()) indexMap = { 1: { 1: "x", 2: "y" }, 2: { 1: "xx", 2: "xy", 3: "yx", 4: "yy", } } for i in range(components): fieldname = name + "_" + str(indexMap[dimension][i + 1]) fname_pdf = ( self.output_folder + fieldname + "_" + str(self.time) + ".pdf" ) plot = df.plot(field.split()[i]) plt.colorbar(plot) plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.title(fieldname) print("Write {}".format(fname_pdf)) plt.savefig(fname_pdf, dpi=150) plt.close() def __write_vec(self, name, field): """ Write a given field to a vector. """ dimension = len(field.value_shape()) if dimension == 0: # scalar fname_mat = ( self.output_folder + name + "_" + str(self.time) + ".mat" ) np.savetxt( self.output_folder + name + "_" + str(self.time) + ".mat", field.compute_vertex_values() ) print("Write {}".format(fname_mat)) else: # vector or tensor components = len(field.split()) indexMap = { 1: { 1: "x", 2: "y" }, 2: { 1: "xx", 2: "xy", 3: "yx", 4: "yy", } } for i in range(components): fieldname = name + "_" + str(indexMap[dimension][i + 1]) fname_mat = ( self.output_folder + fieldname + "_" + str(self.time) + ".mat" ) np.savetxt(fname_mat, field.split()[i].compute_vertex_values()) print("Write {}".format(fname_mat))